Index by author
January 01, 2010; Volume 11
- You have accessRestricted accessEditors’ NoteAkosua Adomako Ampofo and Stephan F. MiescherGhana Studies, January 2010, 11 (1) 1-5; DOI: Adomako AmpofoUniversity of GhanaStephan F. MiescherUniversity of California, Santa Barbara
- You have accessRestricted accessThe Historical and Political Legacies of the Tranformations of the (Dutch) Sekondi Socio-Economic Landscape During the Early Twentieth CenturyGiancarlo PichilloGhana Studies, January 2010, 11 (1) 7-45; DOI: PichilloUniversity of Siena
- You have accessRestricted accessHard Work, Determination, and Luck: Biographical Narratives of a Northern Ghanaian EliteCarola LentzGhana Studies, January 2010, 11 (1) 47-76; DOI: LentzJohannes Gutenberg University
- You have accessRestricted accessAusländer!: Pentecostalism as Social Capital Network for Ghanaians in ViennaMichael Perry Kweku OkyerefoGhana Studies, January 2010, 11 (1) 77-103; DOI: Perry Kweku OkyerefoUniversity of Ghana
- You have accessRestricted accessReflections on By-Elections in the Fourth Republic of GhanaAlexander K. D. FrempongGhana Studies, January 2010, 11 (1) 105-137; DOI: K. D. FrempongUniversity of Ghana
- You have accessRestricted accessTruly National? Social Exclusion and the Ghana@50 CelebrationsNana Akua Anyidoho and Kofi TAKYI AsanteGhana Studies, January 2010, 11 (1) 139-173; DOI: Akua AnyidohoUniversity of GhanaKofi TAKYI AsanteNorthwestern University
- You have accessRestricted accessThe “Commercial” and “Museum” Life of Some Akan Brass WorksKwame Amoah LabiGhana Studies, January 2010, 11 (1) 175-216; DOI: Amoah LabiUniversity of Ghana
Review Essay
- You have accessRestricted accessSituating Histories of Consumption and Consumers in GhanaBianca MurilloGhana Studies, January 2010, 11 (1) 217-230; DOI: MurilloWillamette University
- You have accessRestricted accessNotes on ContributorsGhana Studies, January 2010, 11 (1) 231; DOI: