Index by author
January 01, 2015; Volume 18
Afeadie, Philip Atsu
- You have accessRestricted accessFort PrindzensteinA Monument in the Identity of Keta-SomeawoPhilip Atsu AfeadieGhana Studies, January 2015, 18 (1) 3-22; DOI: Atsu AfeadieUniversity of Ghana
Agyeman-duah, Ivor
- You have accessRestricted accessIvor Wilks: The British AfricanistIvor Agyeman-DuahGhana Studies, January 2015, 18 (1) 187-188; DOI: Agyeman-DuahCenter for Intellectual Renewal, Ghana
Alhassan, Ishaq Akmey
- You have accessRestricted accessOur Resource, Others’ WealthThe Origins of Legalized Discrimination against Local Goldsmiths in GhanaIshaq Akmey AlhassanGhana Studies, January 2015, 18 (1) 121-135; DOI: Akmey AlhassanUniversity of Ghana
Allman, Jean
- You have accessRestricted accessThe Historic Legacy of Ivor WilksJean AllmanGhana Studies, January 2015, 18 (1) 174-176; DOI: AllmanWashington University
Ambaba, Gilbert
- You have accessRestricted accessHidden Violence of Postcolonial AfricaA Communicative Ecology View of Ghana’s Upper East RegionMarcus D. Watson and Gilbert AmbabaGhana Studies, January 2015, 18 (1) 136-161; DOI: D. WatsonUniversity of Wyoming and University of GhanaGilbert AmbabaUniversity of Wyoming and University of Ghana
Ampofo, Akosua Adomako
- You have accessRestricted accessIn Memory of Professor Ivor WilksAkosua Adomako AmpofoGhana Studies, January 2015, 18 (1) 183-186; DOI: Adomako AmpofoUniversity of Ghana and Concordia University
Brivio, Alessandra
- You have accessRestricted access“Fetishism” in the Gold CoastWadé Harris and the Anti-Witchcraft MovementsAlessandra BrivioGhana Studies, January 2015, 18 (1) 90-120; DOI: BrivioUniversity of Milan–Bicocca
Darkwah, Akosua
- You have accessRestricted accessNote from the EditorsAkosua Darkwah and Sean HanrettaGhana Studies, January 2015, 18 (1) 1; DOI: DarkwahUniversity of GhanaSean HanrettaNorthwestern University
Diedong, Africanus L.
- You have accessRestricted accessWho Is the “Community” in Community Radio?A Case Study of Radio Progress in the Upper West Region, GhanaAfricanus L. Diedong and Lawrence NaaikuurGhana Studies, January 2015, 18 (1) 68-89; DOI: L. DiedongUniversity for Development StudiesLawrence NaaikuurUniversity for Development Studies
Eghan, Akosua Dzifa
- You have accessRestricted access“I Am a Good Mother”Becoming an Adolescent Mother in GhanaAkosua Dzifa EghanGhana Studies, January 2015, 18 (1) 23-47; DOI: Dzifa EghanWisconsin International University, Ghana