Table of Contents

  1. Aggrey, John K.

    1. Money That Isn’tA Qualitative Examination of the Adoption of the 1 Pesewa Coin and Biometric Payment Cards in Ghana
      Vivian Dzokoto, Rebecca Asante and John K. Aggrey
  2. Aikins, Ama De-Graft

    1. Aging in GhanaSetting Priorities for Research, Intervention and Policy
      Ama De-Graft Aikins and Nana Araba Apt
    2. Research on Aging in Ghana from the 1950s to 2016A Bibliography and Commentary
      Ama De-Graft Aikins, Mawuli Kushitor, Olutobi Sanuade, Samuel Dakey, Delali Dovie and Joana Kwabena-Adade
  3. Alidu, Seidu

    1. Aging Policies in GhanaA Review of the Livelihood Empowerment against Poverty and the National Health Insurance Scheme
      Seidu Alidu, Ernestina Dankyi and Antoinette Tsiboe-Darko
  4. Apt, Nana Araba

    1. Aging in GhanaSetting Priorities for Research, Intervention and Policy
      Ama De-Graft Aikins and Nana Araba Apt
  5. Aryeetey, Ellen Bortei-Doku

    1. Household Composition and Well-Being of Older Persons in Ghana
      George Domfe and Ellen Bortei-Doku Aryeetey
  6. Asante, Rebecca

    1. Money That Isn’tA Qualitative Examination of the Adoption of the 1 Pesewa Coin and Biometric Payment Cards in Ghana
      Vivian Dzokoto, Rebecca Asante and John K. Aggrey
  7. Atobrah, Deborah

    1. Elderly Women, Community Participation and Family Care in GhanaLessons from HIV Response and AIDS Orphan Care in Manya Krobo
      Deborah Atobrah
  8. Ayernor, Paul K.

    1. Health and Well-Being of Older Adults in GhanaSocial Support, Gender, and Ethnicity
      Paul K. Ayernor
  9. Coe, Cati

    1. Not a Nurse, Not HousehelpThe New Occupation of Elder Carer in Urban Ghana
      Cati Coe
  10. Dakey, Samuel

    1. Research on Aging in Ghana from the 1950s to 2016A Bibliography and Commentary
      Ama De-Graft Aikins, Mawuli Kushitor, Olutobi Sanuade, Samuel Dakey, Delali Dovie and Joana Kwabena-Adade
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