Dumsor and Dumsor-Based Neologisms

A Constructionist Account of Their Structure and Formation

Clement Kwamina Insaidoo Appah and Gladys Nyarko Ansah

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  • Published online January 1, 2021.

Author Information

  1. Clement Kwamina Insaidoo Appah and
  2. Gladys Nyarko Ansah
  1. Clement Kwamina Insaidoo Appah (cappah{at}ug.edu.gh) is a Senior Lecturer in Linguistics at the University of Ghana. He holds a PhD in Linguistics from Lancaster University in the UK and was a Commonwealth Scholar (2008–2012). His research interest lies in Kwa morpho-syntax. His recent work has been in Linguistic Morphology and Morphological theory. He has published extensively on issues such as compounding, nominalization, diminutives, numeral constructions, serial verbs constructions and humor-inspired lexicalia. An area of emphasis in his work has been how to account for properties of complex linguistic expressions that do not come from their constituents. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Clement_Appah
  2. Gladys Nyarko Ansah (gansah{at}ug.edu.gh) holds a PhD in Applied Linguistics from Lancaster University, UK, and an MRes in Cognitive Linguistics from the University of Brighton, UK. She is a Senior Lecturer at the Department of English, University of Ghana, Legon. Her research interests lie in the following areas of language studies: language in education, language and migration, language and politics, language and culture, bi/multilingualism, and language and cognition. Her recent publications include: The choice of English as a home language in urban Ghana. In Current Issues in Language Planning, 1–17. (2019), and Acculturation and integration: Language dynamics in the rural north-urban south mobility situation in Ghana. In Legon Journal of the Humanities, 29(1), 53–72. (2018). https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Gladys_Ansah
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