Reflections on the 1970s

An Interview with Gilbert Amegatcher

Gilbert Amegatcher and Raymond Silverman

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  • Published online February 15, 2023.

Author Information

  1. Gilbert Amegatcher and
  2. Raymond Silverman
  1. Independent Curator and Art Historian
  2. University of Michigan
  1. Gilbert Amegatcher (gilboy.amegatcher{at} is an art historian, independent curator, and cultural resource specialist. After earning his B.A. at the University of Science and Technology (Kumasi) and M.A. at Indiana University (Bloomington), he served as a curator for the Ghana Museums and Monuments Board and later joined the faculty of the College of Art and Social Sciences, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology.
  2. Raymond Silverman (silveray{at}, a historian of the visual cultures of Africa, is professor emeritus of History of Art, African Studies, and Museum Studies at University of Michigan. His research and writing explore historical and contemporary visual practices in Ghana and Ethiopia, and museum and heritage discourse in Africa. He is co-founder of the Ghana Studies Association.
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