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- You have accessRestricted accessThe Revisiting Modernization Short Story CompetitionYaba BadoeGhana Studies, January 2011, 12-13 (1) 273-275; DOI: BadoeUniversity of Ghana
- You have accessRestricted accessHydro-Power and the Promise of Modernity and Development in GhanaComparing the Akosombo and Bui Dam ProjectsStephan F. Miescher and Dzodzi TsikataGhana Studies, January 2011, 12-13 (1) 15-53; DOI: F. MiescherUniversity of California, Santa BarbaraDzodzi TsikataUniversity of Ghana
- You have accessRestricted access“Natives” and “Strangers” on the Outskirts of KumasiSara BerryGhana Studies, January 2006, 9 (1) 25-59; DOI: BerryJohns Hopkins University
- You have accessRestricted accessLegitimating a Contested BoundaryNorthern Ghanaian Immigrants and the Historicity of Land Conflict in Ahyiayem, Brong AhafoIsidore LobnibeGhana Studies, January 2006, 9 (1) 61-90; DOI: LobnibeWestern Oregon University
- You have accessRestricted accessWealth and WorthPastorship and Neo-Pentecostalism in KumasiKaren LauterbachGhana Studies, January 2006, 9 (1) 91-121; DOI: LauterbachRoskilde University
- You have accessRestricted access(A)Sexualizing Ghanaian Youth?A Case Study of Virgin Clubs in Accra and KumasiAkosua K. Darkwah and Alexina ArthurGhana Studies, January 2006, 9 (1) 123-149; DOI: K. DarkwahUniversity of Ghana, LegonAlexina ArthurUniversity of Ghana, Legon
- You have accessRestricted accessTranscending Gendered EconomicsGrassroots Women’s Agency in the Informal Sector of the Ghanaian EconomyAgnes Atia ApusigahGhana Studies, January 2006, 9 (1) 151-176; DOI: Atia ApusigahUniversity for Development Studies, Tamale, Ghana
- You have accessRestricted accessThe Making of an African BolshevikBankole Awoonor Renner in Moscow, 1925–1928Holger WeissGhana Studies, January 2006, 9 (1) 177-220; DOI: WeissÅbo Akademi University
- You have accessRestricted accessThe Dutch Gold-Mining Effort in Ahanta, 1841–49Larry W. YarakGhana Studies, January 2006, 9 (1) 5-23; DOI: W. YarakTexas A & M University
- You have accessRestricted accessEditors’ NoteTakyiwaa Manuh and Lynne BrydonGhana Studies, January 2004, 7 (1) 1; DOI: